tattooed girl

my old school heart, made by the amazing Marian @ Welldone tattoos, Buenos Aires, Argentina
tattooed girl

tattooed girl

only my second one, already have my bigger and better pieces outlined and ready :)
tattooed girl

My first tattoo, and infinity symbol on my back. It’s a long story, but it symbolizes my love for my mom.
tattooed girl

tattooed girl

This was my first tattoo. My mom didn’t want me getting tattoos, so I got something inside my lip. I got “smile” because I’m always smiling, and I love smiling. Smiles really are the best thing you could ever put on your face.
Done by Mark at Ink’d Chronicles.
tattooed girl

This was my second tattoo. It’s California with a heart where the LA area is. This is where I’ve grown up and lived my entire life. I love it here, and I could never imagine leaving such a beautiful place.
Done by Frankie at Classic Tattoo.
tattooed girl

My hommage to dresses , by Guen Douglas
tattooed girl

Fearless. I got this for my mother and myself. She passed away about two years ago from lung cancer and she was so tough. She rarely complained and I could never imagine going through what she went through everyday. It’s a constant reminder to myself to be like her, fearless, and to live my life to the fullest.
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