Tattoo Pictures by Shawn Lloyd

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

Just got it finished today :D

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tattooed girl

This a quote from one of my favorite Buddy Wakefield poems called “Human the Death Dance”. The line “This is brutally beautiful” represents how I’ve come to terms with accepting my scars as a part of who I am, although they do not define me by any means.  Basically, if I am supposed to see myself as beautiful, and my scars are a part of me, then they are beautiful as well.

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl!/bellonbotacin ;)

ainda inacabada!

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

just lounging. hellz bellz tee. you can’t afford to _____ me.

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tattooed girl

Tattoo artist for both (actually all my tattoos are done by him) Mark Skipper.

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tattooed girl

Tattoo artist: Mark Skipper. I love my peacock

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tattooed girl

Tattoo artist: Mark Skipper. I love my peacock

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tattooed girl

It says “Freedom” in Arabic.

(submitted by natikalo)

tattooed girl

Haha, thank you!


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