Sexy tattooed girl by Lisa Gilbert

tattooed girl

tattoed girl

amor vincit omnia. why?

I’m in a long distance relationship atm. He’s 15,000 miles away from me. People think and his other family member I’m after my fiance’s money. WTF. NO. I’m Asian and he’s a Dutchman. I know we can conquer this s**t and after this we’ll be happy.

amor vincit omnia. why? I’m in a long distance...

tattooed girl

tattoed girl

6th Tattoo.

Better off Dead - New Found Glory lyrics.

6th Tattoo. Better off Dead - New Found Glory lyrics.

tattooed girl

tattoed girl

My second tattoo. ‘Have faith in me’ in french. 

My second tattoo. ‘Have faith in me’ in french. 


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